Map Ranking


Tribe name:PACK
Number of members:7
Points of the best 8 players237.536
Total points:237.536
Average points:33.934
Opponents defeated: 4.091.408 (18.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Cashmire11 1 68,242 34 20
jdfpd 2 58,238 37 13
Bedolla710 3 48,822 41 11
SlyferDaDragon 4 31,060 53 6
Fogart 5 17,336 72 6
jrossi25 6 7,257 94 3
Lord Vader 7 6,581 100 2
PACK has long been a tribe I've founded and held dear to my Heart. I Care about my tribe and will do everything I can to live up to it and the expectations they have for me.
I follow an Honor and Loyalty code, so if that's for you, then Welcome!
